Our core product is called the Power Pack - a catalyst that without the use of electricity or mechanical parts, has an effect on substances such as water, air, grease, oil and gas. The Power Pack works technically in such a way that it absorbs the static electricity in the substance it is associated with, and can thereby change the substance. Together with specially developed accessories, a Power Pack can be installed in a number of different contexts. The Power Pack does not require maintenance or service. The Power Pack is approved for use in connection with drinking water, hot water and water for technical use in accordance with the building regulations as well as food.
Engine Room

Lower emissions, fuel consumption and operating costs
Treatment of Engine Oil
- Minimization of wear and tear
- Constant viscosity
- Lower CO2 emissions
- Fewer filter changes
- Better phase transition
- Guaranteed effect
Intake Air
- Lower CO2 emissions
- Lower fuel consumption
- Guaranteed effect
Hydraulic oil
- Reduced filter and oil change
- Cleaner oil
- Constant viscosity
- Significantly improved phase transition
- Better cooling
Cooling Water
- Optimized phase transition
- Reduced use of chemicals
- Extended service life
- Minimized corrosion
Air compressors
- Improved phase transition
- Lavere viskositet i olien
- Cooler oil
- Less wear and tear
Reefer container / Reefer Vessel

By installing a Power Pack on a cold room or a heat pump you will achieve conditions that do not exist anywhere else on the world market. It is very quick to install, and the effect is measurable.
Cold room and heatpumps.
- Longer shelf life for fruits and vegetables
- Same temperature at the floor as at the ceiling
- Faster freezing of food
- Food grade certified
Mounted on compressor
- Guaranteed minimum of 20% power saving
- Reduced wear and tear
- Constant viscosity in the oil
- Lower CO2 emissions
Additional Areas

Whether you want to reduce the grease coatings in your ventilation ducts from the galley or you have other major problems with grease, a Power Pack with the correct mounting bracket can help you solve these problems.
Sewage, pumps and drains
- Elimination of grease separators
- 75% reduction of urinary stones in urinals
- No grease in the pumps
- Elimination of hydrogen sulphide
Cold room and heatpumps.
- Up to 20% power saving
- Reduced wear and tear
- Lower CO2 emissions
- Easy installation
- 30-70 % grease reduction in ventilation ducts
- Easy cleaning
- Food grade certified
- Reduced fire hazard
Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP)
- Reduced wear and tear
- Reduced additives
- Constant oil viscosity
- Good effect on water in the oil

Many wind turbines have problems with too high temperatures in the gears and oil. When installing a Power Pack, most problems are solved quickly and efficiently. The Power Pack is easy to install and does not damage the equipment.
- Optimized phase transition in oil coolers
- Reduced wear and tear
- Colder oil
- Constant viscosity
- Operation at higher wind speeds
Cruise ships

Cruise ship is no exception when it comes to a Powerpack. The equipment can solve many of the operational problems in connection with galley engine rooms, ventilation, cooling and heating as well as water treatment. Assembly is quick and requires no maintenance.
Cold room and heat pump.
- Up to 20% power saving
- Reduced wear and tear
- Lower CO2 emissions
- Easy installation
Sewage, pumps and drains
- Eliminate Grease separators
- 75% reduced urinary stones in urinals
- No grease in pumps
- Elimination of hydrogen sulphide
- 30-70 % reduced grease in ventilation ducts
- Easy cleaning
- Food grade certified
- Reduced fire hazard
- Less static electricity in the air
- Same temperature and humidity throughout the room
- Minimization of dust in the air
Fishing boats

When installing a Power Pack Cool, it will be possible to achieve longer durability on fish on board and reduce the operating costs for refrigeration systems.
- > 20% power saving
- Reduced wear and tear
- Even airtemperature in cold room
- Faster cooling of food and fish.
Gear & oil
- Lower oil temperature
- Optimized phase transition in oil coolers
- Reduced wear and tear
- Optimized indoor climate
- Reduction of smell
- Elimination of static electricity
Viskositet er den indre modstand, der opstår i en væske når et lag af molekyler bevæger sig i forhold til et andet. Den indre modstand er friktionen mellem væskens molekyler (elektrostatiske intermolekylære bindinger) når disse bevæger sig mellem hinanden.
Når modstanden mod at flyde er lille betragtes væsken at have en lav viskositet, og når modstanden mod at flyde er stor betragtes væsken at have en høj viskositet. En væskes viskositet er temperaturafhængig.
Påstand ved PowerPack behandler olie; Fuldsyntetisk olie opfører sig ligesom mineralsk olie med adjektiver over for vand molekyler således at vandindholdet i olien bruges som kuglelejer, også kaldet makro-molekyler. Indhold af makro-molekyler – meget store molekyler – forbedrer oliens smøreevne meget væsentligt. En effekt på >70% er nævnt.
Normalt når varmen går op i et hydrauliksystem/gearkasse går viskositeten ned hvilket medfører nedsat smøreevne og samtidig vil det betyde en dårligere virkningsgrad.
Ved PowerPack behandlet olie fjernes den statiske elektricitet (elektrostatiske intermolekylære bindinger) og derved sænkes viskositeten, makro-molekyler dannes, smøreevne forbedres, slidt mindskes, temperatur sænkes og virkningsgrad bevares. Man vil derfor opleve en koldere olie, koldere lejer og sliddele samt væsentlig nedsat slid.